Sunday, June 15, 2008

School Days, School Days...

...Dear old golden rule days. The plan is to start some sort of school routine in the morning. That may be just a joke. It will depend on how much I can prepare before the kids wake up in the morning. I'll study a little tonight after they go to bed (which I hope will be soon). I'm not going to start Math and Language yet. We are going to take a little more break from them. I'm thinking a couple more weeks. I want to continue our History, begin Science, begin a new Bible routine (Bible Reading in the morning and character study in the evening), begin handwriting. Is there anything I am missing? I'll find out soon enough.

This is what is lined up:

Bible- the Vos Children's Story Bible (a.m.)
Character Building for Families (p.m.)

History - Mystery of History

Science - Apologia Astronomy

Handwriting - A Reason for Handwriting

Jadon may start his Letters & Sounds so I can have some time to get the hang of his routine before I add the girls. Then we can start his handwriting too. They go hand in hand.

That's probably it right now. I got the girls testing scores back. I am thrilled with their listening and reading comprehension scores. Their math and spelling scores were the lowest. They are still in their grade level, but I could tell where I was slacking off. I'm going to do some homework for the other two subjects and make sure that they don't need some extra exercise in math and then we'll get back into those subjects.

I have high hopes for tomorrow. Stay tuned... ;)

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