Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Luke...I am your mother...

I love 4 year olds. It always has been my favorite age. Jadon is seriously obsessed with Star Wars right now. We will be having a Star Wars birthday in a couple weeks. I had better find some characters for the cake! It is constant light saber waving, darth vader breathing, action around here! He keeps his light sabor, that he worked diligently for an entire week on his chores, by his side constantly, and especially on a makeshift belt if he can. He has watched the old trilogy, and that is enough! I am OD'd on 'the Empire,' but my little Jedi is enthralled!!


Anonymous said...

I understand your "pain"! Logan is the same way ~ although, he has decreased the severity of the SW's craze lately. Thank goodness!! There's only so much a mom can take! Now he's dying to go see the new movie (??) and I can't stand SW's! Dad and big brother will have to do this one with him!

Mandy said...

Thanks for the comment Daphne! I guess there are about 3 people that read this thing! Jadon will have to be a little older before I indulge the newer movies, but thanks for the heads up that it doesn't go away! LOL.